STI Policies in Turkey, Iran and Pakistan: The Application of Policy Implementation Cycle in Pakistan & Relevant Importance of Indicators


  • Zainab Taiyyeba Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro, Pakistan
  • Arabella Bhutto Mehran University of Engnerring and Technology, Jamshoro, Pakistan
  • Zehra Vildan Serin Hasan Kalyoncu University, Turkey,


STI policies, STI indicators, policy adoption, policy implementation, policy development, agenda setting


Together and alone, science, technology, and innovation have emerged as some of the most significant gauges of a nation's development. When it comes to the growth of their science, technology, and innovation sectors, Pakistan, Iran, and Turkey all work within unique strategic spheres. STI directly influences state-level growth across the board in every nation, and that every nation has its own indicators, cycles, strategies, and tactics for influencing development. The study used a quantitative methodology approach for ensuring better and satisfactory results. Data was called from a sample of 250 respondents which included managers, directors, leaders, and coordinators from the Pakistan Ministry of Planning, Development, and Reform, CUI, PCST, and Eco Science Foundation. The study came to the conclusion that policy development, adoption, and implementation are significant in Pakistan in particular. These are the areas that need to be prioritized if the nation is to see positive development and progress. The study also generates a broad list of ideas and recommendations, concluding that more research regarding STI policies and indicators for poor nations is required if more significant advancements are to be realized.




How to Cite

Taiyyeba, Z., Bhutto, A., & serin, Z. V. (2022). STI Policies in Turkey, Iran and Pakistan: The Application of Policy Implementation Cycle in Pakistan & Relevant Importance of Indicators. International Journal of Business and Management Sciences, 3(4), 100–115. Retrieved from