International Journal of Business and Management Sciences <p>International Journal of Business and Management Sciences is a peer-reviewed journal published by BigBio Researchers Publishers. The aim of the journal is to publish the latest research related to the field of management, business administration, marketing, finance, entrepreneurship, and so on. IJBMS is a peer-reviewed open-access research journal recognized by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan in the Y category. IJBMS is indexed in the Directory of Research Journal Indexing, ResearchBIB, ESJI, Scientific Indexing Services, Advance Science Index, Cite Factor, InfoBase Index, and in process with Scopus, WOS, and DOAJ. IJBMS invites contributions from researchers, scholars, and academicians in the area of Business and Management. The journal has a diverse advisory board consisting of experts from well-reputed universities and organizations around the world. The journal provides a platform for sharing diverse research work in the field and aims to reduce the gap between the industry and academia. The journal is freely available to readers through its website. The journal has an acceptance rate of 34 percent.</p> <p><strong>LONGTERM DIGITAL ARCHIVES/PRESERVATION POLICY</strong></p> <p>IJBMS publications are deposited in and available from multiple digital archives around the world. To guarantee long-term digital preservation, content published in IJBMS is deposited in the following archives.</p> <p><em><strong><a href="">CLOCKSS</a></strong></em></p> <p>Non-for-profit dark archive which stores all IJBMS content. If the content is no longer available from any participating publisher, then CLOCKSS is able to make this available as open access.</p> <p></p> <p><strong><em><a href="">LOCKSS</a></em></strong></p> <p>The LOCKSS is a peer-to-peer network that develops and supports an open source system allowing libraries to collect, preserve and provide their readers with access to material published on the Web. IJBMS all published contents are deposited and stored in LOCKSS. </p> <p></p> <p><strong><em><a href="">PKP Preservation Network (PN)</a></em></strong></p> <p>PKP has developed the PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN) to digitally preserve OJS journals. The PKP PN ensures that journals that are not part of any other digital preservation can be preserved for long-term access. IJBMS all published contents are preserved automatically in PKP (PN). </p> <p><strong>E ISSN</strong>: 2708 – 4337</p> <p><strong>P ISSN:</strong> 2708 – 4329</p> BioBio Researchers and Publishers en-US International Journal of Business and Management Sciences 2708-4329 A Comparative Study of Critical Success Factors (CSFs) among Local Enterprise Resource Planning Software System in Private Educational Institute: A Cross-Sectional Study <p>Globalization drives information transitions, necessitating Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) for efficient coordination <br />in higher educational institutes. Deployment is a costly and intricate process that requires specific success factors. Previous research focused on management, overlooking user perspectives. The study uses a quantitative methodology to <br />gather data from 300 employees in private Higher Education Institutions, focusing on user perspectives rather than <br />management. Non-probability convenience sampling was employed to obtain cross-sectional data. The successful <br />implementation of an ERP system requires top management endorsement, functional assistance, a reliable partner, <br />comprehensive training, active user engagement, a proficient ERP team, robust MIS department, meticulous planning, <br />organizational support, effective change management, well established IT infrastructure, superior ERP software selection, <br />and a deep understanding of the ERP concept. Critical success factors significantly impact ERP implementation success in <br />developing countries. Organizations should consider financial, employee, application, technical, and vendor capabilities when selecting an ERP system, providing valuable insights for policymakers.</p> Muhammad Ali Junaid Imran Ghafoor Chaudhry Khunsa Junaid Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Business and Management Sciences 2024-05-29 2024-05-29 5 2 1 15 Assessing the Influence of Change Management Determinants on Project Performance Moderated by Project Communication: A Study in Pakistan’s IT Industry <p>The current research attempts to investigate how the determinants of change management disease performance in the context of Pakistan’s information technology. What creates the input is the project communication. The results showed that the sense of belonging and common cause did bio tourism have a positive effect on society. Positive attitudes are the basis of successful project implementation (change readiness, resistance management, inspirational agents for change); these factors all affect the project’s efficiency. Interestingly, project communication complements the link between ox these factors and the performance of projects. The study is an important representative, indicating the sense of needed change and communication patterns in ensuring project success as well as organizational longevity in the IT sector of Pakistan.</p> Mobeen ur Rehman Shahid Iqbal Syed Shahrose Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Business and Management Sciences 2024-05-29 2024-05-29 5 2 16 33 Mediating Role of Corporate Social Responsibility Between Ethical Leadership and Job Satisfaction <p>The study was conducted to explore the relationship of ethical leadership and job satisfaction. The study has objective to check the mediating role of corporate social responsibility between the relationship of ethical leadership and job satisfaction. The study was conducted in the Health Sector of KPK. The study has included public sector Hospitals of KPK and included Specialists and MBBS doctors in the study scope. There are 2285 doctors working in the public sector Hospitals these are treated as study population. Using Krejice &amp; Morgan (1970), the sample was 265. The data was collected from the respondents by using likert questionnaire. SEM model was used for checking the association and mediating role of CSR between EL and JS. The findings show that Ethical Leadership is having significant and positive association with Job Satisfaction while CSR is having significant mediating role between Ethical Leadership Job Satisfaction. It has been recommended that the Ethical leaders need to involve in the decision making and it will enhance job satisfaction. Ethical leaders encourage work-life balance, professional development.</p> Shafqat Ullah Imran Khan Ayesha Rehman Liaqat Ali Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Business and Management Sciences 2024-06-03 2024-06-03 5 2 34 47 Unveiling The Secrets of Innovative Performance: A Path Analytical Exploration of Authentic Leadership, Task Engagement and Creative Climate <p>This study explores the vital variables impacting creative effectiveness in the ever-changing communication industry. We <br />concentrate on how task engagement, creative climate, and authentic leadership interact and affect innovative performance. It is anticipated that genuine leadership creates an atmosphere at work that inspires employees to give their best at work. Consequently, this increased engagement will result in better inventive performance. Employee data from telecommunication sector was gathered to investigate these links. Descriptive statistics were analyzed using SPSS software and structural equation modelling was made easier with AMOS. The expected results seek to shed light on how employee engagement and leadership styles can be strategically utilized to foster an innovative culture in the telecom <br />sector—a business that is notorious for its persistent need for adaptability. We argue that task engagement and employee <br />invention are positively correlated and that this correlation is amplified when an organization fosters creativity. <br />In addition to providing insightful information about the role that real leadership plays in encouraging employee creativity, this study gives telecom companies a tactical framework for developing a workforce full of innovative problem-solvers. Businesses in the telecommunication industry can enable their staff to become the engine of ongoing innovation by providing an atmosphere that encourages openness, self-awareness, shared values, and a positive,creative work environment. </p> Shahram Atta Chaudhry Samina Nawab Khurram Shafi Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Business and Management Sciences 2024-06-03 2024-06-03 5 2 48 67 Investigation of how Gender Moderates and Overall, Justice Mediates the Impact of Abusive Supervision on Knowledge Hiding <p>The research aimed to explore the influence of abusive supervision on knowledge hiding, considering the concept of <br />overall justice within the framework of social exchange theory. Additionally, employing a moderated mediation model, we <br />investigated the role of gender as a moderator in the connection between abusive supervision and knowledge hiding mediated by overall justice, grounded in social role theory. The data was collected from the participants through likert questionnaire. Smart-PLS software was employed to conduct data analysis. The results, based on a sample of 351 participants from private sector universities in Pakistan, revealed that abusive supervision negatively impacts overall justice. However, the effects of overall justice on knowledge hiding and its mediation between abusive supervision and knowledge hiding were not statistically significant. Nevertheless, abusive supervision's impact on knowledge hiding via overall justice was significant among males but not females. This research contributes valuable insights to the understanding of how individuals of different genders respond to abusive supervision in their pursuit of fairness, thus enriching the literature on knowledge hiding.</p> Umair Tufail Sohail Anwar Harris Ali Waseem Zeeshan Ahmad Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Business and Management Sciences 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 5 2 68 88 The Confluence of Islamic, Artificial, and Emotional Intelligence: Evaluating the Interplay of Various Facets of Intelligence and Their Impact on Workplace Dynamics <p>The research paper evaluates the various facets of intelligence including Islamic (spiritual) intelligence (SI), artificial intelligence (AI), and emotional intelligence (EI). The research examines the impact of these three conceptions of intelligence on workplace dynamics and performance as well as the effect of the three elements on the overall workplace success. The recently significant rise in the application of various elements of intelligence in addition to conventional human intelligence factors, the importance of understanding and employing the same is a valuable proposition especially in context of enhancing workplace productivity and to ensure positive influence of various intelligence dimensions in their individual and collective background to warrant a thriving organizational environment to eventually attain favorable outcomes from professional perspective. The Islamic or SI construct entails actions and decisions in consonance to Islamic principles and guidelines whereas the AI dimension refers to machine-aided tools and means to process information and to ensure sound decision-making. The EI implies emotionally intelligent actions and interactions with the consideration towards one’s own self as well as to others around. The study is qualitative in nature and assesses the different paradigms of intelligence SI, EI and AI by exploring how these three may coalesce to achieve the individual and collective organizational goals by improving workplace dynamics to ultimately secure success and serenity. The tripartite framework posited in the study attempts to achieve synergies within and outside the organization to accomplish a work environment wherein both, the workplace and its members are ethical, empathetic, expeditious, exuberant, and efficient.</p> Muhammad Aqib Ali Sara Shabbir Usman Khalid Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Business and Management Sciences 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 5 2 89 120